
Do not lose your family pictures again. Get Gotbackup

I like to talk about the serious problem of losing your precious digital files.

For the millions of people around the world who use computers, and cell phones every day, whether to communicate, check the latest news, or to buy or sell goods and services, there is a problem. This one has not been sufficiently addressed. I mean the preservation of files, text, Word documents, PDF files, family photos, business photos, images, videos, music, etc.

Acting in a timely manner

Prioritizing digital preservation activities and applying them in a timely manner can be crucial not just in avoiding loss but in ensuring the best use of limited resources. Where the opportunity exists to intervene early in the lifecycle, digital materials can be saved to survive better into the future. This may require a small investment up front, but could deliver considerable savings further down the line.

Yes, there are Google Drive, Dropbox, Apple’s cloud and Microsoft’s OneDrive, and lots of people also make use of external memories, the so-called flash drives.

But what happens?

From personal experience, I, Victor Martinez, can tell you that I have tried all those options and even so, I have lost a huge amount of data and money.

A Google Drive was deleted because the company that was reselling it, broke some Google’s policies and it was canceled. Having paid more than 100 dollars for this service, I lost all my stored files and money.

In each Gmail account you also get a few gigabytes for free, but if Google decides to terminate your account, you lose your files.

I have stored my files in external disks or the so-called flash drives, which have become contaminated and had stopped working.  Again, I lost all the stored data.

Dropbox and Apple iCloud are expensive and with recurring payments.

If you buy Microsoft Office 360 ​​package they include 1 terabyte storage in your OneDrive. That works very well, but if you stop paying your membership, you lose your information.

I still haven’t mentioned the worst of all this issue.

None of the options and companies mentioned above, allows you to earn money by promoting their services as an affiliate.

I don’t know about you, but for me, in addition to keeping my files secure, I am interested in earning money to recuperate this cost and, if possible, create a business for life.

But I have some good news for you, there is a new app called GotBackup.

Global Virtual Opportunities, in short, GVO, has created GotBackUp and offers you a family package for 6 separate accounts with a capacity of 1 terabyte each. In other words, it provides to you a capacity of 6 terabytes. And you can upload to the cloud all the files you have on your devises, being Mac or Windows and your cell phones, whether they are iPhone or Android. And, when you purchase the family plan for only $9.97 dollars per month of this incredible tool, you also can request your participation as an affiliate, with a one-time $40 dollars payment. You get all the promotional material that you might need and your personal affiliate links. You also participate in a compensation plan, like you’ve never seen in the networking industry.

Something even more incredible. The company itself is in charge of doing the following-up and closing sales to all your referrals.

Once your prospects have uploaded their files to the Gotbackup cloud, I can tell you with absolute certainty that more than 90% will never cancel their accounts. That represents for you, recurring income for life.

I don’t think there is better customer retention than this.

Please imagine what this represents. With a minimum investment in your first month of $49.95 dollars, and then monthly payments for the ridiculous amount of $9.97. You are going to have your own business online, which will generate income for life, plus you will be protecting 6 members of your family from data loses.

What is your job on all this?

1.- Register for free in Gotbackup using the link that you find  >>HERE.<<

You will have the opportunity to get to know the tool.

2.- Subscribe to the program, you can choose the personal plan, but I recommend the family plan and pay the $40 dollars to be an affiliate and be on my team. (In addition to the support of the company, which is excellent, you will also have my help)

3.- Dedicate at least a couple of weeks so that you master the program and have it installed on your Mac or Windows devices and mobile phone.

4.- Schedule your life calendar so that you can spend at least 3 hours a day, or 10 hours a week promoting your Gotbackup capture page and affiliate link.

If you are consistent and really want to make this your business for life, and if you comply with the four steps mentioned above, I can assure you that you will increase your income month after month and year after year. Very soon this will make your dreams come true.

From your friend and future partner

Victor Martinez Becerril




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Hablemos sobre tus preciados archivos digitales

Quiero hablarte sobre el serio problema para conservar tus preciados archivos digitales.

Para los millones de personas alrededor del mundo que hacemos uso de computadoras, tabletas o teléfonos celulares, todos los días, ya sea para comunicarse con otras personas, enterarse de las noticias recientes o con intención de comprar o vender bienes y servicios, hay un problema que hasta la fecha no ha sido atendido suficientemente. Me refiero a la conservación de los archivos, de texto, documentos Word, archivos en PDF, fotos familiares, fotos e imágenes de negocios, videos, música, etc.

Los servicios de Google Drive, Dropbox, la nube de Apple y el OneDrive de Microsoft, están ahí y también muchas personas hacen uso de las memorias externas, los llamados flash drivers.

¿Pero que pasa en realidad?

Como experiencia personal, yo, Victor Martinez Becerril, puedo decirte que he probado todas esas opciones y aun así, he perdido una enorme cantidad de datos y dinero.

Un Google Drive, me lo borraron porque la empresa que lo estaba revendiendo, incumplió los reglamentos de Google y los cancelaron. Habiendo pagado más de 100 dólares en la oferta especial por lanzamiento de este servicio, perdí, todos mis archivos y el dinero.

En cada cuenta de Gmail también tienes algunos GB gratis, pero si Google decide cancelarte tu cuenta, pierdes tus archivos.

He almacenado en discos externos o flash drivers, que se me han contaminado y dejan de funcionar. Otra vez, perdí toda la información almacenada en esos drives externos.

Dropbox y Apple iCloud son caros y con pagos recurrentes.

Microsoft en la compra de su paquete Office 360 te incluye 1 TB en su OneDrive. Que funciona muy bien, pero si dejas de pagar tu membresía, pierdes tu información.


 Ninguna de las opciones y empresas señaladas, te permite ganar dinero, promoviendo sus servicios como afiliado.

Yo no conozco tus planes ni lo que tu quieres, pero a mí, además de guardar con absoluta seguridad mis archivos, me interesa ganar dinero para amortizar este costo y crear un negocio con ingresos recurrentes de por vida.

Por todo lo que te he mencionado anteriormente, la empresa Global Virtual Oportunities, o sea GVO ha creado GotBackUp y te ofrece un paquete para 6 cuentas familiares con capacidad de 1 terabait cada una. O sea que te entrega capacidad de 6 Terabaites. Y además, puedes subir a su nube, los archivos que tengas en todos  tus dispositivos Mac o Windows y tus teléfonos ya sean iPhones o Androides. Y, cuando adquieres esta increíble herramienta en su plan familiar por tan solo $9.97 dólares mensuales, también puedes solicitar tu participación como afiliado, con un pago único de 40 dólares y se te entregan tus enlaces y material de promoción como afiliado en un plan de compensación como no has visto nunca en la industria del networking.

Algo aún más increíble. La empresa misma se encarga de hacer el seguimiento y cerrar venta a los prospectos que tú le refieres. Esto lo hacen en el mercado de habla inglesa, que es donde está el negocio más fuerte y donde tú vas a ganar más dinero.

Una vez que tus prospectos hayan subido sus archivos a la nube de Gotbackup, con absoluta seguridad te puedo decir que el 99 porciento, no van a cancelar sus cuentas nunca. Eso representa para ti, ingresos recurrentes de por vida.

No creo que exista una retención de clientes y una oportunidad de ganar dinero mejor que esto.

Por favor, imagínate lo que esto representa. Con una mínima inversión en tu primer mes de $49.95 dólares, y después pagos mensuales por la ridícula cantidad de 9.97 dolares. Vas a tener tu propio negocio en el internet, que te va a generar ingresos de por vida.

Y recuerda, que ellos mismos te harán la promoción de tu negocio y cerrarán las ventas. Lo único que tu tendrás que hacer, es promocionar tus enlaces de afiliado.


¿Qué es lo que tienes que hacer?

1 Registrarte gratis en Gotbackup, usando en enlace que encuentras en la descripción de este video.

Vas a tener la oportunidad de conocer la herramienta (Debes saber Ingles o al menos entender los videos y poder leer y entender los textos en ese idioma)

2 Suscribirte al programa, puedes elegir el plan personal, pero yo te recomiendo el plan familiar y pagar los $40 dólares para que seas afiliado y que estes en mi equipo. (Además del soporte de la empresa, que es excelente, también contaras con mi ayuda)

3  Dedicar al menos un par de semanas para que domines el programa y que lo tengas instalado en tus dispositivos Mac o Windows y teléfono móvil.

4  Programar tu calendario de vida para que puedas destinar al menos 3 horas diarias, o 10 horas a la semana en la promoción de tu página de captura y enlace de afiliado de Gotbackup.

Si eres consistente y realmente deseas hacer de esto tu negocio de por vida, y si cumples con los cuatro pasos antes señalados, yo te puedo asegurar que vas a ir escalando ingresos mes con mes y año tras año. Muy pronto esto, hará que tus sueños se hagan una realidad.

De tu amigo y futuro socio

Victor Martinez Becerril



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Learn about Gotbackup on GVO Chief Executive Officer says

This is what the GVO Chief Executive Officer Mr. Joel Therien says about the New Gotbackup program.

For almost 26 years now, I have been an honest marketer who simply wants to help others. This is why I created GotBackup. It’s a simple and affordable way to build a great home based business with a product that everyone needs at just $9.97 US Dollars per month..

With GotBackup, you can overcome the problems that often come with network marketing.

Attrition, high cost, too many products, complication, poor management, disloyalty to distributors, and program changes are all solved with our unique loyalty program, simple compensation plan, and digital product.

GotBackup has all the ingredients of a mass-appeal opportunity. From the life-changing all-in-one product to the low cost of entry and the simple compensation plan, we’re designed to create a movement with millions of people.

If you’re ready to take the first step towards wealth generation, then join GotBackup today.
We will grow your business together.

Opt in now, secure your position and learn why thousands are joining GotBackup!


Victor Martinez B.

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Great news for you, get all your precious family pics safe and secure

Great news for you, get all your precious family pics, files and music safe and secure.Get GotBackup now

With, you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your precious family pics will always be safe and secure. The solution has military-grade encryption and provides multiple redundancies to ensure maximum protection of your files. You don’t have to worry about losing your files to cyberattacks, viruses, hardware failures, or any other unfortunate event.

Moreover, as an affiliate of, you can also take advantage of the excellent opportunity to earn significant recurring commissions.

The company offers a lucrative compensation plan, giving you the chance to earn up to 200% commission on your referrals. This makes it a fantastic way to build a passive income stream while helping others secure their data.

Get a tour and lock in your free position in the company now

Check the link on the video or on the description.

Don’t miss out on the launch. Join the revolution and enjoy the benefits of a reliable backup solution and an excellent income stream as an affiliate.

This incredible opportunity just launched so you are going to want to lock in your position now by visiting the link.


Victor Martinez B

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Worried about your income? You can protect the whole family with this!

I’m writing to you today with an exciting announcement about the future of online business. GotBackup is set to be the fastest growing company online in 2023, and I wanted to share with you why.

GotBackup is a revolutionary online backup and recovery solution that is changing the game in the digital world. With an easy-to-use interface, top-notch security, and exceptional customer support, GotBackup is quickly becoming the go-to solution for individuals and businesses who want to keep their data safe and secure.

Check out the amazing system below


So, if you’re looking for an exciting opportunity to join the hottest online company of 2023, then look no further than GotBackup. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be a part of something truly special.

If you have any questions or would like more information the best thing to do is take the tour and lock in your free position in the Powerline now







Victor Martinez B.

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Skyrocket Your Income, get into the GotBackup Powerline

The GotBackup Powerline focuses on accelerating your earnings like never before. As new members join, they’re positioned in a linear hierarchy, one after the other. This unique structure means that you can reap the rewards of the entire organization’s collective efforts, amplifying your income potential.

A Rapidly Growing Market: GotBackup is a state-of-the-art cloud backup solution with an ever-increasing customer base. As the world embraces the critical need for data security, you’ll be at the vanguard of this booming market, primed to profit from this fast-growing industry.

⌛ The Clock is Ticking: The Powerline structure instills a sense of excitement for newcomers to sign up, as each recruit is placed directly beneath the most recent joiner. The quicker you take action, the higher you’ll be positioned in the powerline, enhancing your chances of benefiting from the efforts and growth of those who follow.

Click the link below to embark on this exciting adventure:

Join the Powerline and secure your position for FREE:


Wishing you success,






Victor Martinez B.

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Want to see the excitement about Gotbackup launching

Join the Tour and cash in on what everyone needs!

Yes!! It has been pretty exciting.  People go absolutely crazy about this new app.

Do you want to seize control of your financial destiny? Don’t miss this thrilling opportunity that can change your life! Introducing the innovative GotBackup Powerline – a groundbreaking network marketing approach designed to supercharge your earnings and foster rapid growth in no time.

Join the Powerline and secure your position for FREE:

>>> CLICK HERE <<<

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GotBackup, the amazing money making opportunity

How many times have you lost your data?

I mean, all your family pictures, music files, documents, etc.

I do not know about you, but me, I have lost everything several times, and let me tell you! IT IS PAINFUL!!

I decided to put en end to these nasty happenings. External drives that stop functioning, computers crashing full of malwares, even at one time I lost my account at a Google drive with several files.

I have found the solution for good!! It is called GOTBACKUP

Would you like to know some of the crazy features this NEW GotBackup app has?

  • You get 6 Terabits storage capacity for each of your devises. Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Cellphone (Android or iPhone).
  • You get a family plan for 6 members of your family group.
  • You get the link for your cloud storage, so you can travel as light as you want and get access to all your files, just using your cellphone.
  • How about making money doing some referring using your affiliate link to this application.  Please check the video, on this post.
  • Once you have your got backup dashboard, you will be amazed with the amount of languages you can promote this app. It is so international!!

Do you want to know how much are you going to pay for this wonder?

You will be paying only $9.97 Dlls per month for the family plan. And if you decide (like I did) to promote it, then there is a ONE TIME PAYMENT of $40 Dlls and you get all the bells and whistles to start making money, every month.

I suggest, do not think too much and start saving all your precious memories, music and files and, Why not? Join my team to make money.

The support on this company is great. I have been working with them since 2010. I can prove it to you any time. Great company with lots of very fine people.


Victor Martinez B.


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How To Earn $1000+ Per Day With Affiliate Marketing

Why my internet biz isnt profitable?!