About me
Victor Martinez Becerril is a retired Mexican Agronomist with a Master of Sciences on Horticulture and Viticulture. He has dedicated most of his life helping Mexican farmers to grow grapes and is very happily married to Luz Alicia Gonzalez (She has two sites Como Hacer Jabon En Casa and luzaliciag.com. They had 2 daughters and 2 sons. They are also proud Grandpa and Grandma of a handsome 18-year-old boy and two beautiful girls, one is 10 years old, and the other is only 3 years old. About 8 months ago we were delighted to receive a very handsome grandson. (I am editing this page on December 22, 2021)
Victor and most of his family live now in the USA.
He discovered the Internet and became obsessed with its potential to create wealth around 2004. He is now creating mobile Android apps, developing his Internet marketing business promoting affiliate products and AdSense mini sites, if you want to learn something about these topics, stay in touch with these sites:
Internet Marketing for everybody, http://victormartinezb.com/Blog/
Affiliate marketing for everybody, https://vmbdigital.com/aff
Live Chat Jobs https://vmbdigital.com
VidUbder Promo in Spanish https://upfellow.com/viduberpromo
VidUber Promo in English https://vicmb1.nowlifestyle.com/pb/crazyguy
Now Lifestyle Promo https://nowlifestyle.com/launch/amazing_offer?id=victor1
Super Affiliate System Promo https://victor1.nowlifestyle.com/pb/signup
Victor is the founder and CEO of VMB Digital, and has become a very enthusiastic creator and user of video in many forms to promote local businesses,
In this site you will be able to check several of those videos.
Yours truly
Victor Martinez B